More Tips For Your Engagement Shoot
If you can’t think of anywhere to shoot we can help, but if you have a cool idea, please don’t hesitate to share that with us, even if it seems like a weird location at first! We encourage you to find a place where you both feel comfortable, and please know that there is no such thing as an “ugly location.” A lot of times it’s about the light more than the location. We’ve shot pretty much everywhere imaginable (dumpsters, third world countries, graffiti walls, etc.),so please know that the location doesn’t have to be pretty at every corner.
Don’t hesitate to check out locations.
Jess & Spencer at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, IL.
The shoot should reflect your personality and what matters most to you.
We want every engagement shoot to reflect your personalities and what matters to you. While props aren’t necessary, some couples choose to bring something that has meaning to them or reflects their personalities. Pets (like dogs and cats) count, but may require some extra planning!
Many couples will have practice - run hair and makeup for the shoot
Hair and makeup helps most people feel a little more “done-up” for the shoot, but is totally optional. Everyone wants to feel pretty and confident, and sometimes spending a little extra time getting ready achieves just that. That said, don’t overdo it! Our colorful style of photography brings out the color and look of everyone we shoot, so sometimes things that look good to our eye may be overwhelming in photos or feel unnatural. A practice-run prior to our shoot can ensure that you’ll be happy with how you look on the day of the shoot.
Make proper considerations for traffic and fashion emergencies
We are super laid back and seldom watch the clock, but we always want to maximize the time we have together. Engagements are mostly for photos, but also for us to work together a bit before so you’re super comfortable come wedding time. An average shoot lasts 1-2 hours. If you show up 30 minutes late, the sessions are not extended, but rather ends at the regularly scheduled time. We want the best photography experience for you, and being on time achieves exactly this! We also schedule the engagement session time typically to put you in a light that will make you look your best, and if we’re outside, that only lasts so long.
Grace & Aiden at the Warren Sand Dunes in Indiana.
If you have any wedding photography questions for your wedding, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our website,